Hallelujah! Jesus is alive
Death has lost its victory
And the grave has been denied
Jesus is forever
He's alive, He's alive

He's the alpha and omega
The first and last is He
The curse of sin is broken
We have perfect liberty

The lamb of God has risen
He's alive, He's alive
Hallelujah Jesus is alive

할렐루야 살아계신 주
죽음 이기시고 무덤에서 일어난
살아계신 주님
영원히 계시네
그는 알파와 오메가
또 처음과 나중
죄악의 저주 끊고 완전한 자유 주셨네
부활 하신 어린 양
영원히 계시네
할렐루야 살아계신 주

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